
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Quick Redesign

GAH! Life came at me in full force for a billion weeks. But, fear not, my midterm is over with and I finally found a few moments to post this really quick before I begin spending all my time making bridesmaid dresses.

A couple of weeks ago a few friends and I stepped into one of the very few thrift shops in town. It's a Goodwill overstocked and overpriced with extremely outdated (were those baggy, below the knee jean shorts ever in style?), poorly taken care of garments (uhhh can you scream naasty pit stains??). But, this is ultimately besides the point!

I found this gem poking out of the dress rack for $6.99

I ripped the skirt off before realizing I should have taken a photo of me wearing it first!
But it was kinda atrocious, so maybe I saved you all from burning out your eyes?